How to test the sustainability of a utility?
“Eyes open!” for the choice of electricity and gas supplier!
Select suppliers with regard to their contribution to the energy revolution. Office Ö-quadrat has developed EVU-Check.
The majority of Germans is against nuclear energy and still thinks of the expansion of wind power and solar energy as the right way to go. These consumers can make an important contribution to the energy transition themselves: for example, through heat and electricity saving measures. But also by choosing the right provider. For this, however, they need support to find their way in the variety of offers of electricity and gas suppliers.
Ecologically minded consumers want an energy provider that actively contributes to the success of the energy transition, is as local as possible, and offers fair contracts and adequate service. Yet they lack an appropriate, clear and transparent guidance to help them chose an energy provider. Green electricity-certifications cannot offer this: with or without certification, most green power products don’t have any measurable environmental impact and do not contribute to the energy revolution in Germany. Consumers are left in the dark on that matter.
A study of the Hochschule Ruhr West (HRW) and Büro Ö-quadrat commissioned by EnergieVision e.V. therefore proposes to evaluate not the electricity product, but the energy provider (“EVU-Check”: The study shows that such a comparative assessment of “energy revolution providers” can be carried out in a meaningful, practical and affordable way.
If the energy transition is to be strengthened, ecologically oriented consumers have to switch to energy providers that actively contribute to the success of the energy transition and also offer fair contracts and adequate service. Therefore, it is necessary to assess not the electricity product, but the provider (the electricity supplier) in terms of its corporate policy.
Study: Feasibility study of the evaluation of grid-bound energy suppliers in terms of their contribution to the energy revolution ("EVU-Check")
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Irrek
Hochschule Ruhr West
Institut ESEW / Campus Bottrop
Postfach 10 07 55
45407 Mülheim an der Ruhr
Tel. +49 [0]208 882 54-838
Fax +49 [0]208 882 54-834
Email: wolfgang.irrek(at)
Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Volksw. Dieter Seifried
Büro Ö-quadrat
Turnseestr. 44
79102 Freiburg
Tel. 0761/707-9901 Fax: -9903 Email: