Ö-quadrat - Ökologische und ökonomische Konzepte

Climate Protection and Sustainability

Climate Policy and Sustainable Development: Opportunities for Iranian - German Cooperation
Case Study: Solar Thermal Energy in Iran.
Saving energy, realizing net economic benefits and protecting the environment by investing in energy efficiency and renewable energies.
Tehran, Berlin, Wupertal 2005, in collaboration with D. Seifried

Improving Access to Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries
Selected Results of the SEPCO Project. (English version)
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Berlin 2004 prepared by ISES in collaboration with Dieter Seifried, Office Ö-quadrat

Climate protection concept Saarland
Seifried, D., Both, G., Witt, J., 1997
In cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), prognos and the Wuppertal Institute
(Commissioned by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Transport of the Saarland)

Climate protection concept for the state of Hesse
Fritsche, U., Seifried, D., 1990
(Commissioned by the Green Group in the Hesse state parliament)

Efficiency revolution in the energy sector and sustainable development
Cames, M.; suggestions and discussion. Brandes, C., Fritsche, U.; Ilgemann, U.; Jenseit, W., Matthes, F. Chr; Mehnert, M., Lücking, G., Timpe, C. , Peter, B., Schmid, G. Seifried, D., 1996

Sustainable Energy - Opportunities in the work world of tomorrow
Charity Project 1995, Öko-Institut 1996
Cames, M. Peter, B. Seifried, D.