In January 2014, the German Minister for Economic Affairs, Sigmar Gabriel, presented the key points of the reform of the German law on Renewable Energy Sources (Erneuerbaren-Energien-Gesetzes : EEG). After a record-breaking short time, the new EEG went through the legislative process and entered into force on 1 August 2014.
Since then, the federal government claims that the new EEG “deleted” the energy revolution’s disadvantages. The EEG reform is supposed to make the energy revolution “predictable, affordable and efficient”.
No sooner had the new EEG been adopted than Federal Minister Gabriel did not hesitate to already attribute the small reduction in the EEG levy, determined by other factors (see figure 1), to his policy.
It is shown below that the revised EEG ultimately aims to slow down the energy revolution, so as to protect the traditional energy sector and its owners against economic losses.
The bitter situation described here is accompanied by recommendations which are likely to lead the energy revolution to success.